The Team

Rory co-founded AllMarkOne alongside Rich and Alex, building the original website and officially incorporating the company in November 2015. Rory was a coxswain for Norwich School and has represented the GB Rowing Team at both the Coupe de la Jeunesse and Junior World Championships whilst at school. Rory took a gap year focusing on expanding AllMarkOne Ltd. and coaching both rowing and coxing at Norwich School BC, before moving to Oxford Brookes University to study Business and Enterprise and cox for OBUBC in autumn 2018. Now retired from active duty coxing, Rory leads AllMarkOne's finances and day-to-day operations, making sure everything is running smoothly and efficiently. Rory is a crucial part in helping make sure the team behind the cameras are able to do what they do.
Richard originally coxed at Bedford School, and recently completed an MSc in Organisational Psychology at City University of London, before moving to a full time job in the city. Way back in 2015, Rich came up with the idea of combining his love of photography and his love of rowing with some of his friends from other clubs across the country, creating and becoming the first CEO of AllMarkOne. These days, he focuses on keeping our original passion for photography alive; Rich is the man behind the camera at some the of events we cover, ranging from local races in Bedford to the GB Junior Trials.
Lucinda is a rower and photographer originally from St. Paul's Girls' School. She was recruited onto the team in 2016 after her photos came out from Henley Royal Regatta. Since then Lucinda has become an integral member of AllMarkOne, and also led the company's first steps into video production, creating promotions for organisations such as The Boat Race, Oarsport and Fulham Reach BC. Lucinda also pushed for the creation of the AllMarkHub as well as our international blog coverage of Junior Worlds with the Road to Račice series in 2018. She is currently in her final year at Imperial College London studying Biomedical Engineering, whilst occasionally helping out with event photography in and around London.
Kit joined the team as a photographer in late 2018, covering many events throughout the year, and all the seasons since. He now produces some of the video work along with Dave, including content for WinTech at Head of the Charles in 2022. Coached by our very own Rory when he was J14, Kit rowed for Norwich School's 1st VIII, winning a silver medal at National Schools’ in 2019 and racing in the Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta. He has recently completed A-Levels in Graphic Design, 3D Design, and Art & Design, and is now on a gap year to focus on improving AllMarkOne's marketing, communications and community interests.
If you've purchased an image over the past two years, chances are Callum shot it. Joining the team during the pandemic, Callum brought a whole new level of quality to AllMarkOne. He studied at the University of Birmingham and now works as a full time photographer, including shooting sports, weddings, and brand imagery. Through AllMarkOne, Callum has worked with Rowing Blazers, Oarsport, WinTech, and British Rowing, as well as countless events.
Dave produces the majority of our commercial video work, and has been integral in forming relationships with clients. Dave sailed for Great Britain and studied at Imperial College, whilst also rowing. Dave now lives in London and works as a full time videographer.
Dent learnt to row at Winchester College where he competed in the Coxed Four with Rory at Coupe de la Jeunesse in 2016. After joining the team in early 2018 he oversaw our video coverage and events livestream. He played a vital role in coordinating the expansion of our photography coverage from 2018 to 2020. Dent recently graduated from Cambridge University having studied Informations and Computer Engineering and is now working as a Quant Analyst for a Hedge Fund in London, all while assisting AllMarkOne with the more technically challenging tasks that we often face.
Wilf originally coxed at The Kings' School, Chester, before moving to Imperial College London to study Physics, taking the win in the Prince Albert Challenge Cup for IC in 2018. Whilst at school, Wilf represented the GB Rowing Team at the Coupe de la Jeunesse in 2017. He joined the team after covering the GB Junior Trials back in 2016, and has since had his photographs showcased by high profile companies such as Concept2 and The Boat Races. Wilf also plays an important role in our live-streaming operations. Having taken a step back from AllMarkOne, Wilf graduated Imperial College in 2021 and now lives in Chester.
George joined AllMarkOne in the summer of 2018, and was the driving force behind the development and maintenance of the AllMarkHub, writing and editing articles for the site throughout the 2019 season, and being key to building the community of rowers which AllMarkOne now serves. Despite being the only member of the team who can't be trusted with a camera, his behind the scenes work was extensive. He rowed at Bedford School in their 2017-18 Gold Medal 8+, before moving to University of Birmingham to study Sport Science.
Alex co-founded AllMarkOne in 2015 whilst studying and sculling at Eton College. In his final year, he took on a coaching role alongside his A-Level studies, working with the junior athletes at the college. Alex is now back home in the United States and having studied at Duke University, now works in Music Research.
If you have any other questions feel free to email us at or just hit the Facebook Messenger logo to drop us a message!