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Quintin Head 2019: Full Rundown

Keep an eye on our galleries here- we will have two photographers down tomorrow and photos uploading immediately after racing ends. Digital downloads are only £5! With Quintin Head already just around the corner, and some big names entered into the event, racing is looking to be invigorating come this Sunday. Being the first major Tideway race of the year, Quintin is always greatly anticipated by rowers and coaches alike. Each and every crew & club will be looking forward to setting their name high in the rankings and hoping to leave their impression not only on the course, but on other crews coming through to SHORR. Racing over the 4600m course from Chiswick bridge all the way to Harrods furniture depository, weather conditions...

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BUCS Head - Men's Championship

This is the first year in the new location for BUCS 4s and 8s Head, Gloucester, having previously been on the Tyne in Newcastle. This should provide a shake up to the competition after the last few years, and so it will be exciting to see which crews emerge at the top in the new set up.

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BUCS Head - Women's Championship

This is the first year in the new location for BUCS 4s and 8s Head, Gloucester, having previously been on the Tyne in Newcastle. This should provide a shake up to the competition after the last few years, and so it will be exciting to see which crews emerge at the top in the new set up

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